Religion it is a set of beliefs and practices that are connected with the beliefs. This includes praying or worshipping in a building for example in a Mosque or in a church. There are over 4,000 religions in the whole world and Christianity leads with 2.3Billion members followed by Islam with 1.8Billion members.

The following are just examples of religions in the world:

  • Christianity
  • Islam
  • Hinduism
  • Buddhism
  • Judaism


Christianity is the major religion in the whole world having over 2Billion members. Its major teachings are reflected from life, teachings and death of Jesus, the Son of God. As a norm, Christianity has become more than a system in the religious belief. Therefore, it has brought about ideas and practices among people and artifacts that has been passed from one generation to another.

The church becomes the agent of Christianity and the Christians make up the body of believers. Christianity focusing on Jesus Christ it brings together its practices and beliefs in reference to the picture made in the past.

Planning a salvation or a redemption it is an element of the traditional faith in Christianity. It means that Christians picture themselves in a plight and they need to be saved. Christianity religion is based on redemption view and it is directed to act of being saved. The agent of redemption is Jesus Christ.

Branches of Christianity

The four major branches of the Christianity religion are as follows:

  • Catholic Church (1.3Billion Christians)
  • Protestantism (920 Million Christians)
  • The Eastern Orthodox (230Million Christians)
  • Oriental Orthodox (62Milllion Christians) and other smaller church communities existing

Beliefs in Christianity

Since all Christians share common convictions, there are also diverse interpretations of the traditions and the Bible. The major beliefs in Christianity Religion include:

  • Creeds (Apostle’s Creed is the major one which its major points are Believing in God the Father, Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit. The death, descending to hell, resurrecting and His ascension. The holiness of the Church and Communion of Saints. Second Coming of Jesus Christ, day of judgment and salvation)
  • Jesus
  • Death and Resurrection
  • Salvation
  • Trinity
  • Eschatology

Practices in Christianity Religion

  • Communal Worship
  • Liturgical calendar
  • Symbols
  • Baptism
  • Prayer


Islam it is a religion based on Abrahamic monotheistic beliefs with teachings of Muhammad is God’s messenger. It is the second largest religion in the whole world with 1.9Billion believers known as Muslims. They make a majority population in 47 states hence becoming one of the fastest growing known religion in the world. The religion teaches that God is all-powerful, unique and merciful, and the teachings guide humanity via prophets, natural signs and scriptures.

The major scripture in the Islam religion is the Quran, which is believed to be God’s word and it is also inclusive of teachings for instance Sunnah and Hadith. Muslims have to follow the obligatory acts of worship and following Sharia which is the Islamic Law. The three holiest sites in Islam are as follows:

  • Mecca
  • Jerusalem
  • Medina

The following are percentages of how Muslims have spread across the world:

  • Indonesia 12%
  • South Asia 31% (the largest percentage of Muslims in the World)
  • Middle East-North Africa 20%
  • Sub-Saharan Africa 15%

Articles of Faith in Islam

The six articles of faith represent the Islamic Creed which is mentioned in the Hadith of Gabriel. All Muslims are obligated to follow the beliefs of the articles. They include:

God’s Concept



Prophets and Sunnah

Resurrection and Judgement

Divine Destiny

Acts of Worship in Islam

The acts include the 5 main practices in Islam and they are obligatory to all believers:







Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world with over 1.2Billion believers called Hindus. It is an Indian religion and dharma way of life. It is a diverse system composed of concepts, philosophies, theologies and among other topics.

The major themes in Hinduism includes the four aims of human life:

  • Ethics and Responsibilities
  • Prosperity
  • Desires
  • Liberation

Hindu beliefs are diverse and open therefore regarded as a family of religions not just one religion. Additionally, it does not worship one God, making the religion very unique in the set of other religions in the world. Hinduism does not claim one prophet, it does not follow one religious act, it is a way of life of Hindus.

Beliefs in Hinduism

The following are beliefs in the Hinduism religion:

  • Dharma
  • Artha
  • Karma
  • Moksha

Regional Hindu Festivals

  • Pongal
  • Ugadi
  • Shigmo
  • Vishu
  • Bihu
  • Ram Navami
  • Gowri Habba
  • Onam
  • Diwali
  • Dashain


Buddhism it is a religion in India that is characterized by teachings attributed to Gautama Buddha It has over 250 Million believers called Buddhists.

The Three Jewels in Buddhism Religion

The jewels (tritatna) are as follows:



Sangha (refers to community of Monks)

Most Common Buddhist Practices

­­-Hearing and Learning Dharma



-Restraint and Renunciation



Judaism is an ethnic religion that comprises of cultural, religious and legal traditions of the Jewish people. The Jews consider Judaism to be an expression of the agreement that God established with Israelites. Judaism is the tenth largest religion in the world with over 14Million believers.

Judaism it is translated directly from the word Ludaismus in Latin which appeared the first in English translation in 1611 of the apocrypha.

Jewish Observances

These are responsibilities among the Jews that are under the Judaism religion. The observances include:

  • Jewish Ethics (traditions and moral principles)
  • Prayers (They recite the prayers three times daily, Shacharit, Mincha and Ma’ariv and the fourth one added during holidays called Mussaf)
  • Religious Clothing
  • Jewish Holidays (such as Shabbat, Purim, Hanukkah, Passover, High Holy Days, Rosh Hashanah)

Types of Judaism

There are several types of Judaism which include:

Orthodox Judaism– The Orthodox Jews are known for their strict observances of the Jewish Laws and Rituals.

Reform Judaism– This category of the religion, they value ethical traditions over strict observances of Jewish Laws and rituals.

Conservative Judaism The conservative Jews respect the traditions of Judaism while still embracing modernization.

Humanistic Judaism– The Jews in this sect celebrate the Jewish Culture, norms and History without any emphasis put on God.

Reconstructionist Judaism– the believe in Judaism Religion and its practices are evolving constantly.


The above article clearly explains the 5 major religions in the world andhow they have different beliefs and practices. Christianity lead in the whole world having more than 2Billion Christians followed by Islam religion with 1.9Billions Muslims occupying over 47 States in the world.

Hinduism is one of the unique religions since it does not have the same prophet and observances.